Sequential Imagery

In our Sequential Imagery project, we had to create a triptych showing a story from the beginning, middle and end.
At the start of the project, we were taken to a museum to find an object in which we could create a story from. I had found a ring which I took a liking to, and I started to form a story.
As this project was running a long side inktober, where witches became a key theme that year, I was inspired by the witch theme and wanted to create a piece that involved witches as well as the ring.

So my story was that in a family of witches, they have a ring which gets passed down, generation to generation. This ring has a crystal which sets a shield around the wearer, protecting them from evil. This is why the ring is often handed to younger children so that they can stay protected, whilst they learn how to protect themselves.

Personally I still love these designs, even looking back at them now. I feel they're strong, the story is understandable, and I don't think I would have liked this design any other way.
The only difference that I could have made to make this design even better, would have been if I had created another hand for my third design. This would have just made the pieces link together more by only using 2 objects (the hand and the ring) in different positions and of different sizes, for instants the last frame could have been a younger hand holding the ring.

Looking at these designs, I want to start creating more black and white designs. I want to start work more with detail in black spaces, almost in the the style of Aubrey Beardsley, an artist I probably should have taken more inspiration from, during this project.
