How does my work appeal to the target audiences?
I feel my target audience for this design is more directed towards a female audience of my age range, as the piece is quite empowering towards women. I feel this topic is very relevant in the media today, especially with the ‘me too’ movement that is happening right now.
In my designs, I have combined cel-shading, which is usually quite a bold style, with watercolour textures, which are very soft and delicate in comparison. This I feel will appeal to a female audience as it is quite delicate but still bold, which I feel can often be a common representation of women.
I think these designs would appeal to my generation, as they can intrigue their storytelling sides. I believe my illustrations allow the audience to form their own backstories based on the characters, after looking at both her and the items.
What have I learnt? And how has it helped me?
As I have been using a pen for my line work in this project, I feel I have gained more confidence in my traditional work. If I had more time at the end of the project, I would have liked to experiment with painting in the colours, as opposed to just making them appear as if I had.
Since I have gained more confidence in my traditional work, it has made me want to try creating even more pieces by hand, in future projects, whether I'm using more pens, pencil, painting, printing mediums etc.
In this project, I believe I have also learnt my capabilities. I now know the amount of work I can do within a certain time frame, so within future projects, I will try not to overpower myself with so much work, as I don’t want to spread myself too thin again, as I did feel overstressed at specific points during this project.
· I believe have been able to take problems and try to solve them in the most efficient and effective ways. I have enjoyed taking my usual cel-shading style, and doing something different with it, for instance, giving it more of a delicate touch by overlaying the watercolour textures. I feel have gotten better at storytelling during this project, as I have formed a few stories based solely on a theme and a created a few items which that the queen might own, to help describe her story.
· Time management, I did not stick to my timetable enough during this project, so I ended up getting behind on a lot of the initial ideas I had planned. I felt I had spread myself too thin, too early on in the project, as I had given myself so much work, which I did want to complete, but inevitably gave me more stress when trying to.
What I’d do differently
I feel if I were to do this project again, I would try to solely focus on creating the zine, instead of trying to complete all of my other concepts at once. Although I do love the other ideas and will take them forward in future projects, I believe if I had only have focused on the zine, and had not worried about anything else, I would possibly have gotten all six of my queens, and their items, completed to a professional standard, as opposed to just half of the amount.
SMART Targets
In future projects, especially when we begin to build our portfolios, I want to start setting small achievable targets, which I can further build upon if completed. This will help me put less pressure on myself, as I can concentrate on one task at a time, gradually building up more and more work, at my own pace.
Another improvement which I wish to make is with my time management. This seems to be an issue in every project, so as to rectify it, I want to become much more organised so that again I will feel less stress and pressure, especially when it comes to deadlines. I feel I can achieve this if I were to keep a diary with me at all times, it would help remind me of the work I have done so far, and the tasks which still need to be complete.
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