Final Projects 29th April 2018

Progression Post 

What I've completed this week:

  • With my piece for tangled tales, I cut away the excess fabric, gathered it up in the back so that the fabric was out of site, and the overall design looked neater/more presentable. make it look presentable and to a professional standard, 
  • I then took a photo of the two designs, put them into photoshop and refined some of the colours that I may have lost from the photo. Once I had completed the two, I created a new document and put the two pieces together, one face staring at the other. 
  • I then sent off the design to the Cheltenham Illustration Awards.
  • I have sent both my portfolio book and business cards off to print. The cards have arrived, but the book is not due until the 9th, the day before hand-in.
I basically spent this week cleaning up loose ends with my final designs, and I tried to make sure I was prepared and had everything ready for Berlin, which is this Tuesday the 1st of May. 

What I still need to complete:

  • Now that I have an A3 portfolio, (as was suggested by my tutor) I will now need to resize and reorder all of my A2 files, then print them out ready to go in my portfolio.
  • Evaluate my work-based learning as a whole, not separate for each individual brief, as I had said in my previous update post.
  • Write up a commentary for my A3 portfolio, describing each piece, my judgement of it, its purpose and the audience it was created for.
  • Create a PDF version of my portfolio.
  • Evaluate the commercial illustration project, analysing the content I've created, the purpose of it, what I have learnt, and what I could achieve from it.
  • Print out CV and Cover Letter
  • Print out examples of up and coming competitions
  • Print out job opportunities 
  • Print out festivals - include Berlin exhibitions
  • Print out Skillset Report
  • Print out research on local and national illustration companies
I am going to attempt to get as much completed as I can whilst I'm still in the UK, however, with only one full day left before my trip, it is not likely that I will complete everything. Once I am in Berlin, I will try to make a daily blog post, discussing each exhibition/event I go to, talking about my experiences, thoughts and opinions.
