Day 2
This has been quite a chill day in comparison to yesterday. Since it is Katies birthday (a girl from my course), as a group, we decided to just go with the flow and see where the day took us.The Dudes Factory - Mcbess

I have decided to show what I had bought from the Dudes Factory in a future blog post, as I want to show my collection of work that I have bought from artists in the past, as I am so happy to be able to hold there work in my hands as opposed to just looking at it on screen and giving it a like on social media. I also feel my collection will help show more about myself, as you will be able to see my taste in artists, styles, colour palettes, imagery etc, and its more personal to see what I've actually been willing to spend my money on, as opposed to liking it on Instagram, as I had mentioned before.
Chilling in the Park
As it was such a nice day and the group felt quite tired after our morning hunt, we retreated to the local park and relaxed there for the afternoon. We mostly enjoyed watching all of the dogs run around freely, which I have to mention, they are better behaved/trained than they are back in the UK, as I don't think I have ever seen so many dogs off their leashes as I have in Berlin.Birthday Celebrations

This to me had shown that there was more art to find, see and experience within Berlin, without having to go to an exhibition and see the work displayed on walls.
From here, we had ate some noodles then went back to our 'home' stop on the train, and went to a bar close by the hostel, met up with the other students and tutors from our college, and we celebrated Katie's birthday.
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